native GetJassMainThread takes nothing returns jassthread
native GetJassCurrentThread takes nothing returns jassthread
// RunScriptEx - this generates a new thread for any given .j file, which can be supplemented by "parent" script, "helper" (this is usually either common.ai or blizzard.j) and the script you want to run. Function returns id of newly created thread, returns 0 on failure.
native RunJassScriptEx takes string parentScriptFile, string helperScriptFile, string jassScriptFile returns jassthread
native RunJassScript takes string helperScriptFile, string jassScriptFile returns jassthread // this will use common.j as parentScriptFile, and will work exactly as RunScriptEx.
native RunJassScriptSimple takes string jassScriptFile returns jassthread // this will use common.j as parentScriptFile, and use jassScriptFile as "helper", and will work exactly as RunScriptEx.
native StopJassThread takes jassthread thread returns boolean // Stops running thread, this will do nothing to common.j thread, however this CAN and WILL kill off AI thread, if you provided a threadId that was NOT provided by RunScript.
native GetJassGlobalInteger takes jassthread thread, string variableName returns integer
native GetJassGlobalReal takes jassthread thread, string variableName returns real
native GetJassGlobalString takes jassthread thread, string variableName returns string
native GetJassGlobalHandle takes jassthread thread, string variableName returns handle
native GetJassGlobalBoolean takes jassthread thread, string variableName returns boolean
native SetJassGlobalInteger takes jassthread thread, string variableName, integer value returns boolean
native SetJassGlobalReal takes jassthread thread, string variableName, real value returns boolean
native SetJassGlobalString takes jassthread thread, string variableName, string value returns boolean
native SetJassGlobalHandle takes jassthread thread, string variableName, handle value returns boolean
native SetJassGlobalBoolean takes jassthread thread, string variableName, boolean value returns boolean
native GetJassLocalInteger takes string variableName returns integer
native GetJassLocalReal takes string variableName returns real
native GetJassLocalString takes string variableName returns string
native GetJassLocalHandle takes string variableName returns handle
native GetJassLocalBoolean takes string variableName returns boolean
native SetJassLocalInteger takes string variableName, integer value returns boolean
native SetJassLocalReal takes string variableName, real value returns boolean
native SetJassLocalString takes string variableName, string value returns boolean
native SetJassLocalHandle takes string variableName, handle value returns boolean
native SetJassLocalBoolean takes string variableName, boolean value returns boolean
// Jass Operations
native IsOperationLimitEnabled takes nothing returns boolean
native EnableOperationLimit takes boolean enable returns nothing
native GetOperationLimit takes nothing returns integer
native SetOperationLimit takes integer opLimit returns nothing
native GetCodeByName takes string funcName returns code
native ExecuteCode takes code c returns nothing
native ExecuteFuncEx takes string funcName returns nothing
Last modified: 23 March 2025