Jass API Unit
// Base Field API
// Unit Base
native GetUnitBaseIntegerFieldById takes integer unitTypeId, unitintegerfield whichField returns integer
native SetUnitBaseIntegerFieldById takes integer unitTypeId, unitintegerfield whichField, integer value returns boolean
native GetUnitBaseBooleanFieldById takes integer unitTypeId, unitbooleanfield whichField returns boolean
native SetUnitBaseBooleanFieldById takes integer unitTypeId, unitbooleanfield whichField, boolean value returns boolean
native GetUnitBaseRealFieldById takes integer unitTypeId, unitrealfield whichField returns real
native SetUnitBaseRealFieldById takes integer unitTypeId, unitrealfield whichField, real value returns boolean
native GetUnitBaseStringFieldById takes integer unitTypeId, unitstringfield whichField returns string
native SetUnitBaseStringFieldById takes integer unitTypeId, unitstringfield whichField, string value returns boolean
// Unit Base Weapon
native GetUnitBaseWeaponIntegerFieldById takes integer unitTypeId, unitweaponintegerfield whichField, integer index returns integer
native SetUnitBaseWeaponIntegerFieldById takes integer unitTypeId, unitweaponintegerfield whichField, integer index, integer value returns boolean
native GetUnitBaseWeaponBooleanFieldById takes integer unitTypeId, unitweaponbooleanfield whichField, integer index returns boolean
native SetUnitBaseWeaponBooleanFieldById takes integer unitTypeId, unitweaponbooleanfield whichField, integer index, boolean value returns boolean
native GetUnitBaseWeaponRealFieldById takes integer unitTypeId, unitweaponrealfield whichField, integer index returns real
native SetUnitBaseWeaponRealFieldById takes integer unitTypeId, unitweaponrealfield whichField, integer index, real value returns boolean
native GetUnitBaseWeaponStringFieldById takes integer unitTypeId, unitweaponstringfield whichField, integer index returns string
native SetUnitBaseWeaponStringFieldById takes integer unitTypeId, unitweaponstringfield whichField, integer index, string value returns boolean
// Field API
// Unit
native GetUnitIntegerField takes unit whichUnit, unitintegerfield whichField returns integer
native SetUnitIntegerField takes unit whichUnit, unitintegerfield whichField, integer value returns boolean
native GetUnitBooleanField takes unit whichUnit, unitbooleanfield whichField returns boolean
native SetUnitBooleanField takes unit whichUnit, unitbooleanfield whichField, boolean value returns boolean
native GetUnitRealField takes unit whichUnit, unitrealfield whichField returns real
native SetUnitRealField takes unit whichUnit, unitrealfield whichField, real value returns boolean
native GetUnitStringField takes unit whichUnit, unitstringfield whichField returns string
native SetUnitStringField takes unit whichUnit, unitstringfield whichField, string value returns boolean
// Unit Weapon
native GetUnitWeaponIntegerField takes unit whichUnit, unitweaponintegerfield whichField, integer index returns integer
native SetUnitWeaponIntegerField takes unit whichUnit, unitweaponintegerfield whichField, integer index, integer value returns boolean
native GetUnitWeaponBooleanField takes unit whichUnit, unitweaponbooleanfield whichField, integer index returns boolean
native SetUnitWeaponBooleanField takes unit whichUnit, unitweaponbooleanfield whichField, integer index, boolean value returns boolean
native GetUnitWeaponRealField takes unit whichUnit, unitweaponrealfield whichField, integer index returns real
native SetUnitWeaponRealField takes unit whichUnit, unitweaponrealfield whichField, integer index, real value returns boolean
native GetUnitWeaponStringField takes unit whichUnit, unitweaponstringfield whichField, integer index returns string
native SetUnitWeaponStringField takes unit whichUnit, unitweaponstringfield whichField, integer index, string value returns boolean
// Normal API
native GetUnitUnderCursor takes nothing returns unit // Async
native GetUnitSprite takes unit whichUnit returns sprite
native SetUnitPositionEx takes unit whichUnit, boolean breakOrder, boolean checkPathing, real x, real y, real z returns nothing
native SetUnitPositionWithZ takes unit whichUnit, real x, real y, real z returns nothing
native SetUnitZ takes unit whichUnit, real z returns nothing
native ResetUnitZ takes unit whichUnit returns nothing // returns Z control to game.
native GetUnitHeight takes unit whichUnit returns real // this is separate from SetUnitFlyHeight
native SetUnitHeight takes unit whichUnit, real height returns nothing
native GetUnitScreenX takes unit whichUnit returns real
native GetUnitScreenY takes unit whichUnit returns real
native SetUnitTypeId takes unit whichUnit, integer newId returns nothing
native GetUnitSelectedCountByPlayer takes player whichPlayer returns integer
native GetUnitSelected takes player whichPlayer returns unit // Always returns Active unit, aka the "main" one whose UI is drawn.
native GetUnitInSelectionByIndex takes player whichPlayer, integer index returns unit
native GetFirstUnitInSelection takes player whichPlayer returns unit
native GetLastUnitInSelection takes player whichPlayer returns unit
native IsUnitAlive takes unit whichUnit returns boolean // checks unit flags
native IsUnitDead takes unit whichUnit returns boolean // checks internal flag (not a part of unit flags)
native IsUnitMoving takes unit whichUnit returns boolean
native IsUnitStunned takes unit whichUnit returns boolean
native IsUnitInvulnerable takes unit whichUnit returns boolean
native IsUnitHero takes unit whichUnit returns boolean
native IsUnitTower takes unit whichUnit returns boolean
native IsUnitShop takes unit whichUnit returns boolean
native IsUnitInventoryEnabled takes unit whichUnit returns boolean
native UnitEnableInventory takes unit whichUnit, boolean enable, boolean ignoreErrorMessages returns nothing // ignoreErrorMessages simply causes the game not to print errors such as "unable to drop/unable to pick up" messages, etc.
native IsUnitMovementEnabled takes unit whichUnit returns boolean
native UnitEnableMovement takes unit whichUnit, boolean enable, boolean fullDisable returns nothing // fullDisable will also block unit from being able to rotate.
native IsUnitAttackEnabled takes unit whichUnit returns boolean
native UnitEnableAttack takes unit whichUnit, boolean enable, boolean extraFlag returns nothing // extraFlag - sets internal flag, but no real changes were noticed...
native IsUnitStateNormal takes unit whichUnit, boolean additionalCheck returns boolean
native RedrawUnit takes unit whichUnit returns nothing
native UpdateUnitInfoBar takes unit whichUnit returns nothing
native UnitUnapplyUpgrades takes unit whichUnit returns nothing
native UnitApplyUpgrades takes unit whichUnit returns nothing
// Unit Ability API
native UnitAddAbilityEx takes unit whichUnit, integer abilCode, boolean checkForDuplicates returns boolean
native UnitRemoveAbilityEx takes unit whichUnit, integer abilCode, boolean removeDuplicates returns boolean
native CountUnitAbilities takes unit whichUnit, boolean alsoCountBuffs returns integer
native GetUnitAbility takes unit whichUnit, integer aid returns ability
native GetUnitAbilityEx takes unit whichUnit, integer aid, integer id returns ability // Allows you to search through duplicates.
native GetUnitAbilityByIndex takes unit whichUnit, integer index returns ability
native IsUnitAbilityVisible takes unit whichUnit, integer abilCode returns boolean
native ShowUnitAbility takes unit whichUnit, integer abilCode, boolean show returns nothing
native ShowUnitAbilityEx takes unit whichUnit, integer abilCode, boolean show, boolean checkDuplicates returns nothing
native DisableUnitAbility takes unit whichUnit, integer abilCode, boolean hide, boolean disable returns nothing
native DisableUnitAbilityEx takes unit whichUnit, integer abilCode, boolean hide, boolean disable, boolean checkDuplicates returns nothing
native EnableUnitAbility takes unit whichUnit, integer abilCode, boolean show, boolean enable returns nothing
native EnableUnitAbilityEx takes unit whichUnit, integer abilCode, boolean show, boolean enable, boolean checkDuplicates returns nothing
// Unit Buff API
native UnitAddBuff takes unit whichUnit, buff whichBuff returns boolean // Does not add duplicates!
native UnitAddBuffEx takes unit whichUnit, buff whichBuff, boolean checkForDuplicates returns boolean
native UnitAddBuffById takes unit whichUnit, integer buffId returns boolean // Does not add duplicates!
native UnitAddBuffByIdEx takes unit whichUnit, integer buffId, boolean checkForDuplicates returns boolean
native CountUnitBuffs takes unit whichUnit returns integer
native GetUnitBuff takes unit whichUnit, integer buffId returns buff
native GetUnitBuffEx takes unit whichUnit, integer buffId, integer id returns buff // Allows you to search through duplicates.
native GetUnitBuffByIndex takes unit whichUnit, integer index returns buff
native GetUnitBuffLevel takes unit whichUnit, integer buffId returns integer
native UnitCancelTimedLife takes unit whichUnit returns nothing
native GetUnitRemainingTimedLife takes unit whichUnit returns real
native SetUnitRemainingTimedLife takes unit whichUnit, real duration returns nothing
native IsUnitGhosted takes unit whichUnit returns boolean
native SetUnitGhosted takes unit whichUnit, boolean state, real transitionTime returns nothing // This is similar to Invisibility, but uses Ghost (Agho) as base logic, just like windwalk. Attacking from this state does not cause the unit to exit Ghost state.
native IsUnitSelectable takes unit whichUnit returns boolean
native SetUnitSelectable takes unit whichUnit, boolean selectable returns nothing
native IsUnitTargetable takes unit whichUnit returns boolean
native SetUnitTargetable takes unit whichUnit, boolean targetable returns nothing
native IsUnitTruesightImmune takes unit whichUnit returns boolean
native SetUnitTruesightImmuneState takes unit whichUnit, boolean state returns nothing
native SetUnitVisibleByPlayer takes unit whichUnit, player whichPlayer, boolean flag returns nothing // These are supposed to be used in EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DETECTED и EVENT_UNIT_DETECTED events.
native SetUnitDetectableByPlayer takes unit whichUnit, player whichPlayer, boolean flag returns nothing // They are supposed to suppress the vision processing, but it's quite annoying to test/verify.
native GetUnitZ takes unit whichUnit returns real
native GetUnitDamageReduction takes unit whichUnit returns real
native GetUnitMagicResistByType takes unit whichUnit, integer resistType returns real
native GetUnitEluneMagicResist takes unit whichUnit returns real
native GetUnitRunicMagicResist takes unit whichUnit returns real
native GetUnitTotalMagicResist takes unit whichUnit returns real
native IsUnitFlyHeightEnabled takes unit whichUnit returns boolean
native SetUnitFlyHeightEnabled takes unit whichUnit, boolean enable returns nothing // This is used to bypass the need to add/remove Amrf ability.
// Gathering API
native IsUnitGatherer takes unit whichUnit returns boolean
native GetUnitResourceCurrent takes unit whichUnit returns integer
native SetUnitResourceCurrent takes unit whichUnit, integer amount returns nothing // only works on units that can "keep" gathered resources.
native GetUnitResourceCapacity takes unit whichUnit, integer resourceType returns integer // 0 for gold, 1 for lumber.
native SetUnitResourceCapacity takes unit whichUnit, integer resourceType, integer amount returns nothing // only works on units that can "keep" gathered resources.
native GetUnitResourcePerGather takes unit whichUnit, integer resourceType returns integer
native SetUnitResourcePerGather takes unit whichUnit, integer resourceType, integer amount returns nothing // for gold simply changes capacity
native GetUnitResourceGatherInterval takes unit whichUnit returns real // wisp only
native SetUnitResourceGatherInterval takes unit whichUnit, real interval returns nothing
native GetUnitCurrentSight takes unit whichUnit returns real
native SetUnitCurrentSight takes unit whichUnit, real realValue returns nothing
native GetUnitAttackRemainingCooldown takes unit whichUnit returns real
native SetUnitAttackRemainingCooldown takes unit whichUnit, real time returns nothing
native GetUnitAttackRemainingDamagePoint takes unit whichUnit returns real
native SetUnitAttackRemainingDamagePoint takes unit whichUnit, real time returns nothing
native GetUnitAttackRemainingBackswing takes unit whichUnit returns real
native SetUnitAttackRemainingBackswing takes unit whichUnit, real time returns nothing
// ignoreDistance only works if isInstant is set to true.
native UnitAttackTarget takes unit whichUnit, widget whichTarget, boolean ignoreDistance, boolean isInstant returns nothing
native UnitAttackTargetPointZ takes unit whichUnit, real x, real y, real z, boolean ignoreDistance, boolean isInstant returns nothing
native UnitAttackTargetPoint takes unit whichUnit, real x, real y, boolean ignoreDistance, boolean isInstant returns nothing
native UnitAttackTargetPointLoc takes unit whichUnit, location whichLocation, boolean ignoreDistance, boolean isInstant returns nothing
native UnitAttackCancel takes unit whichUnit returns boolean
native UnitAttackRestart takes unit whichUnit returns boolean
native UnitAttackFinish takes unit whichUnit returns boolean
native GetUnitAttackTypeByIndex takes unit whichUnit, integer attackIndex returns attacktype
native SetUnitAttackTypeByIndex takes unit whichUnit, integer attackIndex, attacktype whichAttackType returns nothing
native GetUnitWeaponTypeByIndex takes unit whichUnit, integer attackIndex returns weapontype
native SetUnitWeaponTypeByIndex takes unit whichUnit, integer attackIndex, weapontype whichWeaponType returns nothing
native GetUnitWeaponSoundByIndex takes unit whichUnit, integer attackIndex returns integer
native SetUnitWeaponSoundByIndex takes unit whichUnit, integer attackIndex, integer weaponSound returns nothing
native GetUnitBaseDamageByIndex takes unit whichUnit, integer attackIndex returns integer
native SetUnitBaseDamageByIndex takes unit whichUnit, integer attackIndex, integer damage returns nothing
native GetUnitBonusDamageByIndex takes unit whichUnit, integer attackIndex returns integer
native SetUnitBonusDamageByIndex takes unit whichUnit, integer attackIndex, integer bonusDamage returns nothing
native GetUnitDamageDicesSideByIndex takes unit whichUnit, integer attackIndex returns integer
native SetUnitDamageDicesSideByIndex takes unit whichUnit, integer attackIndex, integer dicesSides returns nothing
native GetUnitDamageDicesByIndex takes unit whichUnit, integer attackIndex returns integer
native SetUnitDamageDicesByIndex takes unit whichUnit, integer attackIndex, integer dices returns nothing
native GetUnitMinimumDamageByIndex takes unit whichUnit, integer attackIndex returns integer
native GetUnitMaximumDamageByIndex takes unit whichUnit, integer attackIndex returns integer
native GetUnitAttackRangeByIndex takes unit whichUnit, integer attackIndex returns real
native SetUnitAttackRangeByIndex takes unit whichUnit, integer attackIndex, real range returns nothing
native GetUnitAttackSpeed takes unit whichUnit returns real
native SetUnitAttackSpeed takes unit whichUnit, real attackSpeed returns nothing
native GetUnitAttackCooldownByIndex takes unit whichUnit, integer attackIndex returns real
native SetUnitAttackCooldownByIndex takes unit whichUnit, integer attackIndex, real attackCooldown returns nothing
native GetUnitBackswingPointByIndex takes unit whichUnit, integer attackIndex returns real
native SetUnitBackswingPointByIndex takes unit whichUnit, integer attackIndex, real backswing returns nothing
native GetUnitDamagePointByIndex takes unit whichUnit, integer attackIndex returns real
native SetUnitDamagePointByIndex takes unit whichUnit, integer attackIndex, real damagePoint returns nothing
native GetUnitAttacksEnabledIndex takes unit whichUnit returns integer
native GetUnitArmourType takes unit whichUnit returns defensetype
native SetUnitArmourType takes unit whichUnit, defensetype whichArmour returns nothing
native GetUnitArmour takes unit whichUnit returns real
native SetUnitArmour takes unit whichUnit, real armour returns nothing
native GetUnitTimeScale takes unit whichUnit returns real
native GetUnitTotalMoveSpeed takes unit whichUnit returns real
native GetUnitBaseMoveSpeed takes unit whichUnit returns real
native SetUnitBaseMoveSpeed takes unit whichUnit, real baseMoveSpeed returns nothing
native GetUnitBonusMoveSpeedPercent takes unit whichUnit returns real
native SetUnitBonusMoveSpeedPercent takes unit whichUnit, real bonusMoveSpeedPercent returns nothing
native GetUnitPlayerColour takes unit whichUnit returns playercolor
native SetUnitPlayerColour takes unit whichUnit, playercolor color returns nothing
native GetUnitVertexColour takes unit whichUnit returns integer
native UnitAddItemToSlot takes unit whichUnit, item whichItem, integer itemSlot returns boolean
native ReviveUnit takes unit whichUnit, real x, real y returns boolean
native ReviveUnitLoc takes unit whichUnit, location loc returns boolean
native GetUnitCurrentLife takes unit whichUnit returns real
native SetUnitCurrentLife takes unit whichUnit, real life returns nothing
native GetUnitMaxLife takes unit whichUnit returns real
native SetUnitMaxLife takes unit whichUnit, real maxLife returns nothing
native GetUnitLifeRegen takes unit whichUnit returns real
native SetUnitLifeRegen takes unit whichUnit, real lifeRegen returns nothing
native GetUnitCurrentMana takes unit whichUnit returns real
native SetUnitCurrentMana takes unit whichUnit, real mana returns nothing
native GetUnitMaxMana takes unit whichUnit returns real
native SetUnitMaxMana takes unit whichUnit, real maxMana returns nothing
native GetUnitManaRegen takes unit whichUnit returns real
native SetUnitManaRegen takes unit whichUnit, real manaRegen returns nothing
native GetHeroPrimaryAttribute takes unit whichUnit returns heroattribute
native SetHeroPrimaryAttribute takes unit whichUnit, heroattribute whichHeroAttribute returns nothing
native GetUnitModel takes unit whichUnit returns string
native SetUnitModel takes unit whichUnit, string modelName returns nothing
native SetUnitModelEx takes unit whichUnit, string modelName, integer playercolourId returns nothing
native SetUnitMaterialTexture takes unit whichUnit, string textureName, integer materialId, integer textureIndex returns nothing
native SetUnitTexture takes unit whichUnit, string textureName, integer textureIndex returns nothing
native SetUnitReplaceableTexture takes unit whichUnit, string textureName, integer textureIndex returns nothing
native GetUnitCollisionType takes unit whichUnit returns collisiontype
native SetUnitCollisionType takes unit whichUnit, collisiontype collisionType returns nothing
native GetUnitPathingAIType takes unit whichUnit returns pathingaitype
native SetUnitPathingAIType takes unit whichUnit, pathingaitype pathingAIType returns nothing
native GetUnitPathingType takes unit whichUnit returns pathingtype
native SetUnitPathingType takes unit whichUnit, pathingtype pathingType returns nothing
native GetUnitItemSlots takes unit whichUnit returns integer
native SetUnitItemSlots takes unit whichUnit, integer itemSlots returns nothing
native SetUnitFacingEx takes unit whichUnit, real facing, boolean isInstant returns nothing
native SetUnitFacingInstant takes unit whichUnit, real facing returns nothing
native GetUnitMinimapX takes unit whichUnit returns real
native GetUnitMinimapY takes unit whichUnit returns real
native GetUnitRallyPointX takes unit whichUnit returns real
native GetUnitRallyPointY takes unit whichUnit returns real
native GetHeroMaxLevelExperienceNeeded takes unit whichUnit returns integer
native GetHeroExperienceNeeded takes unit whichUnit, integer forLevel returns integer
native UnitApplySilence takes unit whichUnit, boolean state returns nothing // Does not hide abilities
native UnitDisableAbilities takes unit whichUnit, boolean state returns nothing // Also hides abilities
native PauseUnitEx takes unit whichUnit, boolean pause returns nothing
native SetUnitStunned takes unit whichUnit, boolean state returns nothing
native GetUnitStunCounter takes unit whichUnit returns integer
native SetUnitStunCounter takes unit whichUnit, integer stunCounter returns nothing // by default is 0. When set to anything more than 0, unit will only accept one order and ignore the rest until current order is finished.
native SetUnitKiller takes unit whichUnit, unit killer returns nothing
native KillUnitEx takes unit whichUnit, unit killer returns nothing
native GetUnitTarget takes unit whichUnit returns widget
native GetUnitTargetUnit takes unit whichUnit returns unit
native GetUnitTargetItem takes unit whichUnit returns item
native GetUnitTargetDestructable takes unit whichUnit returns destructable
native MorphUnitToTypeIdEx takes unit whichUnit, integer uid, integer unitFlags, boolean updateHealthState, boolean updateManaState, integer healthStateId, integer manaStateId, boolean updateScale, boolean replaceAbilities, ability whichAbility, boolean resetBuildingAnimation returns nothing
native MorphUnitToTypeId takes unit whichUnit, integer uid returns nothing
native GetUnitModelObjectX takes unit whichUnit, string whichObject returns real
native GetUnitModelObjectY takes unit whichUnit, string whichObject returns real
native GetUnitModelObjectZ takes unit whichUnit, string whichObject returns real
native GetUnitModelObjectPositionLoc takes unit whichUnit, string whichObject returns location
native GetUnitCurrentAnimationId takes unit whichUnit returns integer
native GetUnitCurrentAnimationName takes unit whichUnit returns string
native GetUnitAnimationOffsetPercent takes unit whichUnit returns real
native SetUnitAnimationOffsetPercent takes unit whichUnit, real percent returns nothing
// Unit Orientation API, these only work if AutoOrientation is set to false. Note, this will disable auto yaw/pitch/roll updates as well, you will have to do them manually.
native IsUnitAutoOrientationEnabled takes unit whichUnit returns boolean
native UnitEnableAutoOrientation takes unit whichUnit, boolean enable returns nothing
native GetUnitYaw takes unit whichUnit returns real
native SetUnitYaw takes unit whichUnit, real yaw returns nothing
native GetUnitPitch takes unit whichUnit returns real
native SetUnitPitch takes unit whichUnit, real pitch returns nothing
native GetUnitRoll takes unit whichUnit returns real
native SetUnitRoll takes unit whichUnit, real roll returns nothing
native SetUnitMatrixScale takes unit whichUnit, real x, real y, real z returns nothing
native ResetUnitMatrix takes unit whichUnit returns nothing
native SetUnitOrientationEx takes unit whichUnit, real yaw, real pitch, real roll, integer eulerOrder returns nothing
native SetUnitOrientation takes unit whichUnit, real yaw, real pitch, real roll returns nothing
// Building API
native CreateBuilding takes player whichPlayer, integer unitTypeId, real x, real y, real facing returns unit
native CreateBuildingEx takes player whichPlayer, integer unitTypeId, real x, real y, real facing, boolean isAutoBuild, boolean workersCanAssist returns unit
// Construction API
native UnitGetConstructionProgress takes unit whichUnit returns real
native UnitGetConstructionRemainingTime takes unit whichUnit returns real
native UnitSetConstructionRemainingTime takes unit whichUnit, real time returns nothing
// Upgrade API
native UnitGetUpgradeProgress takes unit whichUnit returns real
native UnitGetUpgradeRemainingTime takes unit whichUnit returns real
native UnitSetUpgradeRemainingTime takes unit whichUnit, real time returns nothing
// Unit Training API
native UnitGetTrainingProgress takes unit whichUnit returns real
native UnitSetTrainingProgress takes unit whichUnit, integer trainingPercentage returns nothing
native UnitGetTrainingRemainingTime takes unit whichUnit returns real
native UnitSetTrainingRemainingTime takes unit whichUnit, real time returns nothing
native UnitGetTrainingTypeIdAt takes unit whichUnit, integer index returns integer
native UnitCancelTrainingAt takes unit whichUnit, integer index returns nothing
native UnitSetTrainingTypeIdAt takes unit whichUnit, integer index, integer typeId returns nothing
// Unit Research API
native UnitGetResearchProgress takes unit whichUnit returns real
native UnitSetResearchProgress takes unit whichUnit, integer trainingPercentage returns nothing
native UnitGetResearchRemainingTime takes unit whichUnit returns real
native UnitSetResearchRemainingTime takes unit whichUnit, real time returns nothing
native UnitGetResearchTypeIdAt takes unit whichUnit, integer index returns integer
native UnitCancelResearchAt takes unit whichUnit, integer index returns nothing
native UnitSetResearchTypeIdAt takes unit whichUnit, integer index, integer typeId returns nothing
// Illusion API
// All created illusions are created without timed life, this can and should be handled by the mapmaker.
native CreateIllusion takes player whichPlayer, integer unitTypeId, real x, real y, real facing returns unit
native CreateIllusionAtLoc takes player whichPlayer, integer unitTypeId, location whichLocation, real facing returns unit
native CreateIllusionFromUnit takes unit whichUnit returns unit
native CreateIllusionFromUnitEx takes unit whichUnit, boolean copyPassives returns unit
// Damage Dealt and Received are multipliers, not direct values. These will only work on illusions created by abilities/items or by: CreateUnitIllusion, CreateUnitIllusionAtLoc and CreateIllusionFromUnit.
native GetIllusionDamageDealt takes unit whichUnit returns real
native SetIllusionDamageDealt takes unit whichUnit, real multiplier returns nothing
native GetIllusionDamageReceived takes unit whichUnit returns real
native SetIllusionDamageReceived takes unit whichUnit, real multiplier returns nothing
// Unit Order API
native QueueImmediateOrderById takes unit whichUnit, integer order returns boolean
native QueuePointOrderById takes unit whichUnit, integer order, real x, real y returns boolean
native QueueTargetOrderById takes unit whichUnit, integer order, widget targetWidget returns boolean
native QueueInstantPointOrderById takes unit whichUnit, integer order, real x, real y, widget instantTargetWidget returns boolean
native QueueInstantTargetOrderById takes unit whichUnit, integer order, widget targetWidget, widget instantTargetWidget returns boolean
native QueueBuildOrderById takes unit whichPeon, integer unitId, real x, real y returns boolean
native QueueNeutralImmediateOrderById takes player forWhichPlayer, unit neutralStructure, integer unitId returns boolean
native QueueNeutralPointOrderById takes player forWhichPlayer, unit neutralStructure, integer unitId, real x, real y returns boolean
native QueueNeutralTargetOrderById takes player forWhichPlayer, unit neutralStructure, integer unitId, widget target returns boolean
native GetUnitOrderCount takes unit whichUnit returns integer
native GetUnitOrderByIndex takes unit whichUnit, integer index returns orderhandle
native GetUnitOrderByOrderId takes unit whichUnit, integer orderId, integer index returns orderhandle // since units can queue same orders, this allows to differentiate between them.
native GetUnitOrderIdByIndex takes unit whichUnit, integer index returns integer
native UnitRemoveOrderByIndex takes unit whichUnit, integer index returns boolean
native UnitRemoveOrderByOrderId takes unit whichUnit, integer orderId, boolean eraseAllSimilar returns boolean
native UnitReverseOrders takes unit whichUnit returns nothing
native UnitClearOrders takes unit whichUnit, boolean onlyQueued returns nothing
native UnitForceStopOrder takes unit whichUnit, boolean clearQueue returns nothing
Last modified: 23 March 2025