Jass API War3Image
native GetWar3ImageSprite takes war3image whichWar3Image returns sprite
native IsWar3ImageVisible takes war3image whichWar3Image returns boolean
native SetWar3ImageVisible takes war3image whichWar3Image, boolean visible returns nothing
native IsWar3ImageInvulnerable takes war3image whichWar3Image returns boolean
native SetWar3ImageInvulnerable takes war3image whichWar3Image, boolean invulnerable returns nothing
native GetWar3ImageX takes war3image whichWar3Image returns real
native GetWar3ImageY takes war3image whichWar3Image returns real
native GetWar3ImageZ takes war3image whichWar3Image returns real
native GetWar3ImagePositionLoc takes war3image whichWar3Image returns location
native SetWar3ImagePositionLoc takes war3image whichWar3Image, location whichLocation returns nothing
native SetWar3ImagePosition takes war3image whichWar3Image, real x, real y returns nothing
native SetWar3ImagePositionWithZ takes war3image whichWar3Image, real x, real y, real z returns nothing
native SetWar3ImageX takes war3image whichWar3Image, real x returns nothing
native SetWar3ImageY takes war3image whichWar3Image, real y returns nothing
native SetWar3ImageZ takes war3image whichWar3Image, real z returns nothing
native ResetWar3ImageZ takes war3image whichWar3Image returns nothing // returns Z control to game.
native GetWar3ImageHeight takes war3image whichWar3Image returns real
native SetWar3ImageHeight takes war3image whichWar3Image, real height returns nothing
native GetWar3ImageScreenX takes war3image whichWar3Image returns real
native GetWar3ImageScreenY takes war3image whichWar3Image returns real
native GetWar3ImagePlayerColour takes war3image whichWar3Image returns playercolor // This gets glow/team colour.
native SetWar3ImagePlayerColour takes war3image whichWar3Image, playercolor color returns nothing // This sets Glow and Team Colour. Mimics the SetUnitColor.
native GetWar3ImageVertexColour takes war3image whichWar3Image returns integer
native SetWar3ImageVertexColour takes war3image whichWar3Image, integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha returns nothing
native GetWar3ImageTimeScale takes war3image whichWar3Image returns real
native SetWar3ImageTimeScale takes war3image whichWar3Image, real timeScale returns nothing
native GetWar3ImageScale takes war3image whichWar3Image returns real
native SetWar3ImageScale takes war3image whichWar3Image, real scale returns nothing
native GetWar3ImageFacing takes war3image whichWar3Image returns real
native SetWar3ImageFacing takes war3image whichWar3Image, real facing, boolean isInstant returns nothing
native SetWar3ImageMatrixScale takes war3image whichWar3Image, real x, real y, real z returns nothing
native ResetWar3ImageMatrix takes war3image whichWar3Image returns nothing
native SetWar3ImageOrientationEx takes war3image whichWar3Image, real yaw, real pitch, real roll, integer eulerOrder returns nothing
native SetWar3ImageOrientation takes war3image whichWar3Image, real yaw, real pitch, real roll returns nothing
native GetWar3ImageYaw takes war3image whichWar3Image returns real
native SetWar3ImageYaw takes war3image whichWar3Image, real yaw returns nothing
native GetWar3ImagePitch takes war3image whichWar3Image returns real
native SetWar3ImagePitch takes war3image whichWar3Image, real pitch returns nothing
native GetWar3ImageRoll takes war3image whichWar3Image returns real
native SetWar3ImageRoll takes war3image whichWar3Image, real roll returns nothing
native GetWar3ImageModel takes war3image whichWar3Image returns string
native SetWar3ImageModel takes war3image whichWar3Image, string modelFile returns nothing
native SetWar3ImageModelEx takes war3image whichWar3Image, string modelFile, integer playerId returns nothing // 0-15, -1 to ignore the colour.
native SetWar3ImageMaterialTexture takes war3image whichWar3Image, string textureName, integer materialId, integer textureIndex returns nothing
native SetWar3ImageTexture takes war3image whichWar3Image, string textureName, integer textureIndex returns nothing
native SetWar3ImageReplaceableTexture takes war3image whichWar3Image, string textureName, integer textureIndex returns nothing // 1 - TeamColour | 2 - TeamGlow | 11 - Cliff0/1 | 21 - "grabbed texture" for CCursorFrame | 31-37 trees.
native GetWar3ImageModelObjectX takes war3image whichWar3Image, string whichObject returns real
native GetWar3ImageModelObjectY takes war3image whichWar3Image, string whichObject returns real
native GetWar3ImageModelObjectZ takes war3image whichWar3Image, string whichObject returns real
native GetWar3ImageModelObjectPositionLoc takes war3image whichWar3Image, string whichObject returns location
native GetWar3ImageCurrentAnimationId takes war3image whichWar3Image returns integer
native GetWar3ImageCurrentAnimationName takes war3image whichWar3Image returns string
native SetWar3ImageAnimationWithRarityByIndex takes war3image whichWar3Image, integer animIndex, raritycontrol rarity returns nothing
native SetWar3ImageAnimationWithRarity takes war3image whichWar3Image, string animationName, raritycontrol rarity returns nothing
native SetWar3ImageAnimationByIndex takes war3image whichWar3Image, integer animIndex returns nothing
native SetWar3ImageAnimation takes war3image whichWar3Image, string animationName returns nothing
native QueueWar3ImageAnimationByIndex takes war3image whichWar3Image, integer animIndex returns nothing
native QueueWar3ImageAnimation takes war3image whichWar3Image, string animationName returns nothing
native GetWar3ImageAnimationOffsetPercent takes war3image whichWar3Image returns real
native SetWar3ImageAnimationOffsetPercent takes war3image whichWar3Image, real percent returns nothing
Last modified: 23 March 2025