Jass API Destructable
native GetDestructableUnderCursor takes nothing returns destructable // Async
// Field API
native GetDestructableStringField takes destructable whichDestructable, destructablestringfield whichField returns string
native SetDestructableStringField takes destructable whichDestructable, destructablestringfield whichField, string value returns boolean
native GetDestructableVariation takes destructable whichDestructable returns integer
native SetDestructableVariation takes destructable whichDestructable, integer variation returns nothing
native SetDestructableVariationEx takes destructable whichDestructable, integer variation, boolean ignoreStateCheck returns nothing // ignoreStateCheck will skip checking for dead/alive variations of the model.
native IsDestructableBlighted takes destructable whichDestructable returns boolean
native SetDestructableBlighted takes destructable whichDestructable, boolean flag returns nothing
native GetDestructableSprite takes destructable whichDestructable returns sprite
native GetDestructableZ takes destructable whichDestructable returns real
native ResetDestructableZ takes destructable whichDestructable returns nothing // returns Z control to game.
native GetDestructableHeight takes destructable whichDestructable returns real
native SetDestructableHeight takes destructable whichDestructable, real height returns nothing
native SetDestructablePositionWithZ takes destructable whichDestructable, real x, real y, real z returns nothing
native SetDestructablePosition takes destructable whichDestructable, real x, real y returns nothing
native GetDestructablePositionLoc takes destructable whichDestructable returns location
native SetDestructablePositionLoc takes destructable whichDestructable, location whichLocation returns nothing
native SetDestructableX takes destructable whichDestructable, real x returns nothing
native SetDestructableY takes destructable whichDestructable, real y returns nothing
native SetDestructableZ takes destructable whichDestructable, real z returns nothing
native GetDestructableScreenX takes destructable whichDestructable returns real
native GetDestructableScreenY takes destructable whichDestructable returns real
native GetDestructablePlayerColour takes destructable whichDestructable returns playercolor
native SetDestructablePlayerColour takes destructable whichDestructable, playercolor color returns nothing
native GetDestructableVertexColour takes destructable whichDestructable returns integer
native SetDestructableVertexColour takes destructable whichDestructable, integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha returns nothing
native GetDestructableTimeScale takes destructable whichDestructable returns real
native SetDestructableTimeScale takes destructable whichDestructable, real timeScale returns nothing
native GetDestructableScale takes destructable whichDestructable returns real
native SetDestructableScale takes destructable whichDestructable, real scale returns nothing
native GetDestructableFacing takes destructable whichDestructable returns real
native SetDestructableFacing takes destructable whichDestructable, real facing, boolean isInstant returns nothing
native SetDestructableMatrixScale takes destructable whichDestructable, real x, real y, real z returns nothing
native ResetDestructableMatrix takes destructable whichDestructable returns nothing
native SetDestructableOrientationEx takes destructable whichDestructable, real yaw, real pitch, real roll, integer eulerOrder returns nothing
native SetDestructableOrientation takes destructable whichDestructable, real yaw, real pitch, real roll returns nothing
native GetDestructableYaw takes destructable whichDestructable returns real
native SetDestructableYaw takes destructable whichDestructable, real yaw returns nothing
native GetDestructablePitch takes destructable whichDestructable returns real
native SetDestructablePitch takes destructable whichDestructable, real pitch returns nothing
native GetDestructableRoll takes destructable whichDestructable returns real
native SetDestructableRoll takes destructable whichDestructable, real roll returns nothing
native GetDestructableModel takes destructable whichDestructable returns string
native SetDestructableModel takes destructable whichDestructable, string modelFile returns nothing
native SetDestructableModelEx takes destructable whichDestructable, string modelFile, integer playerId returns nothing
native SetDestructableMaterialTexture takes destructable whichDestructable, string textureName, integer materialId, integer textureIndex returns nothing
native SetDestructableTexture takes destructable whichDestructable, string textureName, integer textureIndex returns nothing
native SetDestructableReplaceableTexture takes destructable whichDestructable, string textureName, integer textureIndex returns nothing
native GetDestructableModelObjectX takes destructable whichDestructable, string whichObject returns real
native GetDestructableModelObjectY takes destructable whichDestructable, string whichObject returns real
native GetDestructableModelObjectZ takes destructable whichDestructable, string whichObject returns real
native GetDestructableModelObjectPositionLoc takes destructable whichDestructable, string whichObject returns location
native GetDestructableCurrentAnimationId takes destructable whichDestructable returns integer
native GetDestructableCurrentAnimationName takes destructable whichDestructable returns string
native SetDestructableAnimationWithRarityByIndex takes destructable whichDestructable, integer animIndex, raritycontrol rarity returns nothing
native SetDestructableAnimationWithRarity takes destructable whichDestructable, string animationName, raritycontrol rarity returns nothing
native SetDestructableAnimationByIndex takes destructable whichDestructable, integer animIndex returns nothing
native QueueDestructableAnimationByIndex takes destructable whichDestructable, integer animIndex returns nothing
native GetDestructableAnimationOffsetPercent takes destructable whichDestructable returns real
native SetDestructableAnimationOffsetPercent takes destructable whichDestructable, real percent returns nothing
native EnumDestructablesInRange takes real x, real y, real radius, boolexpr filter, code handlerFunc returns nothing
Last modified: 23 March 2025