Jass API Debug
// Something to inverse GetHandleId, meaning it will convert any given number to a "handle", for safety it's limited to HandleIds >= 0x100000 aka how game limits real handles from "fake".
native IntegerToHandle takes integer i returns handle
// Converts provided memory address and converts it into handle, this may only work with real handles, fakes most likely will cause fatal error.
native AddressToHandle takes integer i returns handle
// Converts given handle and returns its address in game, for safety it's limited to HandleIds >= 0x100000 aka how game limits real handles from "fake".
native HandleToAddress takes handle h returns integer
native GetHandleCount takes nothing returns integer
native GetNextHandleIndex takes nothing returns integer
native GetStringCount takes nothing returns integer
native GetUjAPIVersion takes nothing returns string
native GetGameVersion takes nothing returns string
native GetLocale takes nothing returns string
native GetFPS takes nothing returns real
native GetConnectionType takes nothing returns connectiontype
native IsReplay takes nothing returns boolean
native GetSystemTime takes timetype whichTimeType returns integer
native GetLocalTime takes timetype whichTimeType returns integer
native GetTimeStamp takes boolean isLocalTime, integer isMiliseconds returns string
native GetTickCount takes nothing returns integer
native BenchmarkStart takes nothing returns nothing
native BenchmarkEnd takes nothing returns nothing
native BenchmarkReset takes nothing returns nothing
native BenchmarkGetElapsed takes integer benchType returns string // 0 for nanoseconds, 1 for microseconds, 2 for milliseconds
// Handle API
// This function is meant mostly for debugging, for example, to get all units in the map pass '+w3u' as agentBaseTypeId, '+ply' for players, '+mdb' for multiboards, '+frm' for frames accessed/created from jass/lua.
native IsHandleDestroyed takes handle whichHandle returns boolean // this returns internal state of the object, whenever it's nullptr or CAgentBaseAbs was removed.
native GetHandleReferenceCount takes handle whichHandle returns integer
native GetHandleBaseTypeId takes handle whichHandle returns integer // this returns '+w3u' from unit, if it was passed as handle, and so on.
native GetHandleBaseTypeName takes handle whichHandle returns string // this returns CUnit from unit, if it was passed as handle, and so on.
native GetFilterHandle takes nothing returns handle
native GetEnumHandle takes nothing returns handle
native EnumHandlesOfType takes integer handleBaseTypeId, boolexpr filter, code handlerFunc returns nothing
native ConsoleEnable takes boolean enable returns nothing
native ConsolePrint takes string s returns nothing
native ConsolePause takes string s returns nothing
Last modified: 23 March 2025