Jass API Typecasters
native Id2String takes integer i returns string
native String2Id takes string idString returns integer
native IntToHex takes integer i returns string
native IntToChar takes integer i returns string
native IntToRoman takes integer i returns string
native HexToInt takes string hex returns integer
native ConvertColour takes integer alpha, integer red, integer green, integer blue returns integer
// Typecasting API Main
// Something to inverse GetHandleId, meaning it will convert any given number to a "handle", for safety it's limited to HandleIds >= 0x100000 aka how game limits real handles from "fake".
native IntegerToHandle takes integer i returns handle
// Converts provided memory address and converts it into handle, this may only work with real handles, fakes most likely will cause fatal error.
native AddressToHandle takes integer i returns handle
// Converts given handle and returns its address in game, for safety it's limited to HandleIds >= 0x100000 aka how game limits real handles from "fake".
native HandleToAddress takes handle h returns integer
// Typecasting API Basic (all functions below are IntegerToHandle, since handle is pretty much an integer with start point of 0x100000)
native I2C takes integer i returns code
native C2I takes code c returns integer
native HandleToHandle takes handle h returns handle
native HandleToAgent takes handle h returns agent
native HandleToEvent takes handle h returns event
native HandleToWidget takes handle h returns widget
native HandleToUnit takes handle h returns unit
native HandleToDestructable takes handle h returns destructable
native HandleToItem takes handle h returns item
native HandleToAbility takes handle h returns ability
native HandleToBuff takes handle h returns buff
native HandleToForce takes handle h returns force
native HandleToGroup takes handle h returns group
native HandleToTrigger takes handle h returns trigger
native HandleToTriggercondition takes handle h returns triggercondition
native HandleToTriggeraction takes handle h returns triggeraction
native HandleToTimer takes handle h returns timer
native HandleToLocation takes handle h returns location
native HandleToRegion takes handle h returns region
native HandleToRect takes handle h returns rect
native HandleToBoolexpr takes handle h returns boolexpr
native HandleToSound takes handle h returns sound
native HandleToConditionfunc takes handle h returns conditionfunc
native HandleToFilterfunc takes handle h returns filterfunc
native HandleToUnitpool takes handle h returns unitpool
native HandleToItempool takes handle h returns itempool
native HandleToRace takes handle h returns race
native HandleToAlliancetype takes handle h returns alliancetype
native HandleToRacepreference takes handle h returns racepreference
native HandleToGamestate takes handle h returns gamestate
native HandleToIGamestate takes handle h returns igamestate
native HandleToFGamestate takes handle h returns fgamestate
native HandleToPlayerstate takes handle h returns playerstate
native HandleToPlayerscore takes handle h returns playerscore
native HandleToPlayergameresult takes handle h returns playergameresult
native HandleToUnitstate takes handle h returns unitstate
native HandleToAIDifficulty takes handle h returns aidifficulty
native HandleToEventid takes handle h returns eventid
native HandleToGameevent takes handle h returns gameevent
native HandleToPlayerevent takes handle h returns playerevent
native HandleToPlayerunitevent takes handle h returns playerunitevent
native HandleToUnitevent takes handle h returns unitevent
native HandleToLimitop takes handle h returns limitop
native HandleToWidgetevent takes handle h returns widgetevent
native HandleToDialogevent takes handle h returns dialogevent
native HandleToUnittype takes handle h returns unittype
native HandleToGamespeed takes handle h returns gamespeed
native HandleToGamedifficulty takes handle h returns gamedifficulty
native HandleToGametype takes handle h returns gametype
native HandleToMapflag takes handle h returns mapflag
native HandleToMapvisibility takes handle h returns mapvisibility
native HandleToMapsetting takes handle h returns mapsetting
native HandleToMapdensity takes handle h returns mapdensity
native HandleToMapcontrol takes handle h returns mapcontrol
native HandleToPlayerslotstate takes handle h returns playerslotstate
native HandleToVolumegroup takes handle h returns volumegroup
native HandleToCamerafield takes handle h returns camerafield
native HandleToCamerasetup takes handle h returns camerasetup
native HandleToPlayercolor takes handle h returns playercolor
native HandleToPlacement takes handle h returns placement
native HandleToStartlocprio takes handle h returns startlocprio
native HandleToRaritycontrol takes handle h returns raritycontrol
native HandleToBlendmode takes handle h returns blendmode
native HandleToTexmapflags takes handle h returns texmapflags
native HandleToEffect takes handle h returns effect
native HandleToEffecttype takes handle h returns effecttype
native HandleToWeathereffect takes handle h returns weathereffect
native HandleToTerraindeformation takes handle h returns terraindeformation
native HandleToFogstate takes handle h returns fogstate
native HandleToFogmodifier takes handle h returns fogmodifier
native HandleToDialog takes handle h returns dialog
native HandleToButton takes handle h returns button
native HandleToQuest takes handle h returns quest
native HandleToQuestitem takes handle h returns questitem
native HandleToDefeatcondition takes handle h returns defeatcondition
native HandleToTimerdialog takes handle h returns timerdialog
native HandleToLeaderboard takes handle h returns leaderboard
native HandleToMultiboard takes handle h returns multiboard
native HandleToMultiboarditem takes handle h returns multiboarditem
native HandleToTrackable takes handle h returns trackable
native HandleToGamecache takes handle h returns gamecache
native HandleToVersion takes handle h returns version
native HandleToItemtype takes handle h returns itemtype
native HandleToTexttag takes handle h returns texttag
native HandleToAttacktype takes handle h returns attacktype
native HandleToDamagetype takes handle h returns damagetype
native HandleToWeapontype takes handle h returns weapontype
native HandleToSoundtype takes handle h returns soundtype
native HandleToLightning takes handle h returns lightning
native HandleToPathingtype takes handle h returns pathingtype
native HandleToImage takes handle h returns image
native HandleToUbersplat takes handle h returns ubersplat
native HandleToHashtable takes handle h returns hashtable
native HandleToAnimType takes handle h returns animtype
native HandleToSubAnimType takes handle h returns subanimtype
Last modified: 10 February 2025