Jass API Sprite
native CreateSprite takes boolean isUber returns sprite // axis do not matter, as sprites MUST be attached to something.
native AttachSpriteToTarget takes sprite whichSprite, sprite targetSprite, string attachPointName returns sprite
native AddSpriteToTarget takes string modelName, sprite targetSprite, string attachPointName returns sprite // always creates CSpriteUber
native GetSpriteChildrenCount takes sprite whichSprite returns integer
native GetSpriteChildById takes sprite whichSprite, integer index returns sprite
native DetachSprite takes sprite whichSprite returns nothing
native RemoveSprite takes sprite whichSprite returns nothing
native IsSpriteUber takes sprite whichSprite returns boolean
native GetSpriteX takes sprite whichSprite returns real
native GetSpriteY takes sprite whichSprite returns real
native GetSpriteZ takes sprite whichSprite returns real
native GetSpriteHeight takes sprite whichSprite returns real
native GetSpritePositionLoc takes sprite whichSprite returns location
native SetSpritePosition takes sprite whichSprite, real x, real y returns nothing
native SetSpritePositionWithZ takes sprite whichSprite, real x, real y, real z returns nothing
native SetSpritePositionLoc takes sprite whichSprite, location loc returns nothing
native SetSpriteX takes sprite whichSprite, real x returns nothing
native SetSpriteY takes sprite whichSprite, real y returns nothing
native SetSpriteZ takes sprite whichSprite, real z returns nothing
native SetSpriteHeight takes sprite whichSprite, real height returns nothing
native GetSpriteScreenX takes sprite whichSprite returns real
native GetSpriteScreenY takes sprite whichSprite returns real
native GetSpriteScale takes sprite whichSprite returns real
native SetSpriteScale takes sprite whichSprite, real scale returns nothing
native GetSpriteTimeScale takes sprite whichSprite returns real
native SetSpriteTimeScale takes sprite whichSprite, real timescale returns nothing
native GetSpritePlayerColour takes sprite whichSprite returns playercolor
native SetSpritePlayerColour takes sprite whichSprite, playercolor color returns nothing
native GetSpriteColour takes sprite whichSprite returns integer
native SetSpriteColour takes sprite whichSprite, integer colour returns nothing
native SetSpriteAlpha takes sprite whichSprite, integer alpha returns nothing
native SetSpriteVertexColour takes sprite whichSprite, integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha returns nothing
native SetSpriteMatrixScale takes sprite whichSprite, real x, real y, real z returns nothing
native ResetSpriteMatrix takes sprite whichSprite returns nothing
native SetSpriteOrientationEx takes sprite whichSprite, real yaw, real pitch, real roll, integer eulerOrder returns nothing // XYZ = 0, YZX = 1, ZXY = 2, ZYX = 3, YXZ = 4, XZY = 5
native GetSpriteYaw takes sprite whichSprite returns real // X
native SetSpriteYaw takes sprite whichSprite, real yaw returns nothing // X
native GetSpriteFacing takes sprite whichSprite returns real // X same as Yaw
native SetSpriteFacing takes sprite whichSprite, real facing returns nothing // X same as Yaw
native GetSpritePitch takes sprite whichSprite returns real // Y
native SetSpritePitch takes sprite whichSprite, real pitch returns nothing // Y
native GetSpriteRoll takes sprite whichSprite returns real // Z
native SetSpriteRoll takes sprite whichSprite, real roll returns nothing // Z
native SetSpriteOrientation takes sprite whichSprite, real yaw, real pitch, real roll returns nothing // uses SetSpriteOrientationEx with XYZ orientation as default
native SetSpriteMaterialTexture takes sprite whichSprite, string textureName, integer materialId, integer textureIndex returns nothing
native SetSpriteTexture takes sprite whichSprite, string textureName, integer textureIndex returns nothing
native SetSpriteReplaceableTexture takes sprite whichSprite, string textureName, integer textureIndex returns nothing
native GetSpriteModel takes sprite whichSprite returns string
native SetSpriteModel takes sprite whichSprite, string modelName returns nothing
native SetSpriteModelEx takes sprite whichSprite, string modelName, integer playerColour returns nothing // 0-15, -1 to ignore the colour.
// whichObject can be bone, reference, sound, aka any object of a model
native GetSpriteModelObjectX takes sprite whichSprite, string whichObject returns real
native GetSpriteModelObjectY takes sprite whichSprite, string whichObject returns real
native GetSpriteModelObjectZ takes sprite whichSprite, string whichObject returns real
native GetSpriteModelObjectPositionLoc takes sprite whichSprite, string whichObject returns location
native GetSpriteCurrentAnimationId takes sprite whichSprite returns integer
native GetSpriteCurrentAnimationName takes sprite whichSprite returns string
native SetSpriteAnimationWithRarityByIndex takes sprite whichSprite, integer animIndex, raritycontrol rarity returns nothing
native SetSpriteAnimationWithRarity takes sprite whichSprite, string animationName, raritycontrol rarity returns nothing
native SetSpriteAnimationByIndex takes sprite whichSprite, integer animIndex returns nothing
native SetSpriteAnimation takes sprite whichSprite, string animationName returns nothing
native QueueSpriteAnimationByIndex takes sprite whichSprite, integer animIndex returns nothing
native QueueSpriteAnimation takes sprite whichSprite, string animationName returns nothing
native GetSpriteAnimationOffsetPercent takes sprite whichSprite returns real
native SetSpriteAnimationOffsetPercent takes sprite whichSprite, real percent returns nothing
Last modified: 23 March 2025