Jass API Frame
native GetOriginFrame takes originframetype whichType, integer index returns framehandle
// native EnableUIAutoPosition takes boolean flag returns nothing // not active for now
native HideOriginFrames takes boolean flag returns nothing
native EditBlackBorders takes real upperHeight, real bottomHeight returns nothing
native LoadTOCFile takes string TOCFile returns boolean
native CreateFrame takes string templateName, framehandle whichParent, integer priority, integer createContext returns framehandle
native CreateSimpleFrame takes string templateName, framehandle whichParent, integer createContext returns framehandle
native CreateSimpleGlueFrame takes framehandle whichSimpleParent, framehandle whichSpriteFrame returns framehandle
native CreateFrameByType takes string frameType, string contextName, framehandle whichParent, string templateName, integer createContext returns framehandle
native IsFrameRegion takes framehandle whichFrame returns boolean
native IsFrameSimple takes framehandle whichFrame returns boolean
native IsFrameComplex takes framehandle whichFrame returns boolean
native DestroyFrame takes framehandle whichFrame returns nothing
native GetFrameScreenX takes framehandle whichFrame returns real
native GetFrameScreenY takes framehandle whichFrame returns real
native GetFrameRelativePointParent takes framehandle whichFrame, framepointtype point returns framehandle
native GetFrameRelativePointType takes framehandle whichFrame, framepointtype point returns framepointtype
native GetFrameRelativePointX takes framehandle whichFrame, framepointtype point returns real
native GetFrameRelativePointY takes framehandle whichFrame, framepointtype point returns real
native SetFrameRelativePoint takes framehandle whichFrame, framepointtype point, framehandle relativeFrame, framepointtype relativePoint, real x, real y returns nothing
native GetFrameAbsolutePointX takes framehandle whichFrame, framepointtype point returns real
native GetFrameAbsolutePointY takes framehandle whichFrame, framepointtype point returns real
native SetFrameAbsolutePoint takes framehandle whichFrame, framepointtype point, real x, real y returns nothing
native ClearFrameAllPoints takes framehandle whichFrame returns nothing
native SetFrameAllPoints takes framehandle whichFrame, framehandle relativeFrame returns boolean
native ShowFrame takes framehandle whichFrame, boolean isShow returns nothing
native IsFrameVisible takes framehandle whichFrame returns boolean
native GetFrameByName takes string frameName, integer createContext returns framehandle // searches for any frame, priority is as follows: CFrame > CSimpleFrame > CSimpleFontString > CSimpleTexture
native GetCFrameByName takes string frameName, integer createContext returns framehandle
native GetCSimpleFontStringByName takes string frameName, integer createContext returns framehandle
native GetCSimpleTextureByName takes string frameName, integer createContext returns framehandle
native GetCSimpleFrameByName takes string frameName, integer createContext returns framehandle
native GetFrameUnderCursor takes nothing returns framehandle
native GetFrameChildrenCountEx takes framehandle whichFrame, integer listId returns integer // listId: CFrames: 0 for default | 1 for layouts (will return CLayer) | CSimpleFrames 0 - 6 | CSimpleRegions any number, as they only have 1 child node.
native GetFrameChildrenCount takes framehandle whichFrame returns integer
native GetFrameChildEx takes framehandle whichFrame, integer listId, integer index returns framehandle
native GetFrameChild takes framehandle whichFrame, integer index returns framehandle
native GetFrameTypeName takes framehandle whichFrame returns string
native GetFrameName takes framehandle whichFrame returns string
native SetFrameName takes framehandle whichFrame, string contextName returns nothing
native GetFrameContext takes framehandle whichFrame returns integer
native SetFrameContext takes framehandle whichFrame, integer createContext returns nothing
native SetFrameContextName takes framehandle whichFrame, string contextName, integer createContext returns nothing
native ClickFrameEx takes framehandle whichFrame, mousebuttontype whichMouseButton returns nothing
native ClickFrame takes framehandle whichFrame returns nothing
native SetFrameText takes framehandle whichFrame, string text returns nothing
native GetFrameText takes framehandle whichFrame returns string
native AddFrameText takes framehandle whichFrame, string text returns nothing
native SetFrameTextSizeLimit takes framehandle whichFrame, integer textSize returns nothing
native GetFrameTextSizeLimit takes framehandle whichFrame returns integer
native GetFrameTextColourEx takes framehandle whichFrame, integer stateId returns integer // CSimpleFontString: 0 - normal, 1 - shadow | CTextFrame: 0 = font | 1 = highlighted | 2 = disabled | 3 = shadow
native SetFrameTextColourEx takes framehandle whichFrame, integer stateId, integer colour returns nothing
native GetFrameTextColour takes framehandle whichFrame returns integer
native SetFrameTextColour takes framehandle whichFrame, integer colour returns nothing
native IsFrameFocused takes framehandle whichFrame returns boolean
native SetFrameFocus takes framehandle whichFrame, boolean isFocus returns boolean
native GetFrameModel takes framehandle whichFrame returns string
native SetFrameModel takes framehandle whichFrame, string model, integer cameraIndex returns nothing
native GetFrameState takes framehandle whichFrame returns framestate
native SetFrameState takes framehandle whichFrame, framestate whichFrameState returns nothing
native IsFrameEnabled takes framehandle whichFrame returns boolean
native SetFrameEnabled takes framehandle whichFrame, boolean enabled returns nothing
native IsFrameLayoutFlag takes framehandle whichFrame, layoutstyleflag whichLayoutStyle returns boolean
native SetFrameLayoutFlag takes framehandle whichFrame, layoutstyleflag whichLayoutStyle, boolean isSet returns nothing
native IsFrameGridFlag takes framehandle whichFrame, gridstyleflag whichGridStyle returns boolean
native SetFrameGridFlag takes framehandle whichFrame, gridstyleflag whichGridStyle, boolean isSet returns nothing
native IsFrameLayerFlag takes framehandle whichFrame, layerstyleflag whichLayerStyle returns boolean
native SetFrameLayerFlag takes framehandle whichFrame, layerstyleflag whichLayerStyle, boolean isSet returns nothing
native IsFrameControlFlag takes framehandle whichFrame, controlstyleflag whichControlStyle returns boolean
native SetFrameControlFlag takes framehandle whichFrame, controlstyleflag whichControlStyle, boolean isSet returns nothing
native GetFrameColourEx takes framehandle whichFrame, integer textureId returns integer
native SetFrameColourEx takes framehandle whichFrame, integer textureId, integer colour returns nothing
native GetFrameColour takes framehandle whichFrame returns integer
native SetFrameColour takes framehandle whichFrame, integer colour returns nothing
native SetFrameVertexColour takes framehandle whichFrame, integer alpha, integer red, integer green, integer blue returns nothing
native SetFrameVertexColourEx takes framehandle whichFrame, integer textureId, integer alpha, integer red, integer green, integer blue returns nothing
native GetFrameAlphaEx takes framehandle whichFrame, integer textureId returns integer
native SetFrameAlphaEx takes framehandle whichFrame, integer textureId, integer alpha returns nothing
native GetFrameAlpha takes framehandle whichFrame returns integer
native SetFrameAlpha takes framehandle whichFrame, integer alpha returns nothing
native GetFrameTexture takes framehandle whichFrame, integer textureId returns string
native SetFrameBackdropTexture takes framehandle whichFrame, integer textureId, string backgroundTextureFile, boolean allowTransparency, boolean blend, string borderTextureFile, integer borderFlags, boolean isControlBackdrop returns nothing
native SetFrameTextureEx takes framehandle whichFrame, integer textureId, string backgroundTextureFile, boolean blend, string borderTextureFile, integer borderFlags returns nothing
native SetFrameTexture takes framehandle whichFrame, string textureFile, integer textureId, boolean blend returns nothing
native GetFrameBlendMode takes framehandle whichFrame, integer textureId returns blendmode // 0 for CSimpleRegions.
native SetFrameBlendMode takes framehandle whichFrame, integer textureId, blendmode whichMode returns nothing
native SetFrameTooltip takes framehandle whichFrame, framehandle tooltipFrame returns nothing
native SetFrameMouseCaged takes framehandle whichFrame, boolean enable returns nothing
native GetFrameValue takes framehandle whichFrame returns real
native SetFrameValue takes framehandle whichFrame, real value returns nothing // fires event by default
native SetFrameValueEx takes framehandle whichFrame, real value, boolean isFireEvent returns nothing
native GetFrameMinMaxValues takes framehandle whichFrame, integer valueId returns real // 0 = min | 1 = max
native SetFrameMinMaxValues takes framehandle whichFrame, real minVal, real maxVal returns nothing
native GetFrameStepSize takes framehandle whichFrame returns real
native SetFrameStepSize takes framehandle whichFrame, real stepSize returns nothing
native GetFrameWidth takes framehandle whichFrame returns real
native SetFrameWidth takes framehandle whichFrame, real width returns nothing
native GetFrameHeight takes framehandle whichFrame returns real
native SetFrameHeight takes framehandle whichFrame, real height returns nothing
native SetFrameSize takes framehandle whichFrame, real width, real height returns nothing
native SetFrameScale takes framehandle whichFrame, real scale returns nothing
native GetFramePriority takes framehandle whichFrame returns integer
native SetFramePriority takes framehandle whichFrame, integer priority returns nothing
native SetFrameParent takes framehandle whichFrame, framehandle whichParent returns nothing
native GetFrameParent takes framehandle whichFrame returns framehandle
native SetFrameFont takes framehandle whichFrame, string fontName, real size, integer flags returns nothing
// CSimpleFontString: 0 - x Scale, 1 - y Scale, 2 - x Shadow, 3 - y Shadow | CTextFrame: 0 - x, 1 - y, 2 - x Shadow, 3 - y Shadow, 4 = FontJustificationOffset | CEditBox: 0 - x | 1 - y | 2 - text scale "Border Scale"
native GetFrameTextAlignmentValue takes framehandle whichFrame, integer id returns real
native SetFrameTextAlignmentValue takes framehandle whichFrame, integer id, real offset returns nothing
native SetFrameTextAlignment takes framehandle whichFrame, textaligntype verticalAlign, textaligntype horizontalAlign returns nothing
native SetFrameTextVerticalAlignment takes framehandle whichFrame, textaligntype verticalAlign returns nothing
native SetFrameTextHorizontalAlignment takes framehandle whichFrame, textaligntype horizontalAlign returns nothing
native GetFrameCheckState takes framehandle whichFrame returns boolean
native SetFrameCheckState takes framehandle whichFrame, boolean isCheck returns nothing
native SetMiniMapTexture takes string texturePath returns boolean
// CSlider / CScollBar API | Scrollbar extends slider, so both use the same logic.
native GetFrameSlider takes framehandle whichFrame returns framehandle
native AddFrameSlider takes framehandle whichFrame returns framehandle
// CListBox / CMenu / CPopupMenu / CRadioGroup API
native GetFrameItemsBorder takes framehandle whichFrame returns real
native SetFrameItemsBorder takes framehandle whichFrame, real value returns nothing
native GetFrameItemsHeight takes framehandle whichFrame returns real
native SetFrameItemsHeight takes framehandle whichFrame, real value returns nothing
// These functions return CListBoxItem frames for CListBox / CMenu / CPopupMenu and CCheckBox/CGlueCheckBox for CRadioGroup.
native AddFrameListItem takes framehandle whichFrame, string text, framehandle frameToAdd returns framehandle
native GetFrameListItemCount takes framehandle whichFrame returns integer
native GetFrameListItemById takes framehandle whichFrame, integer id returns framehandle
native SetFrameListItemById takes framehandle whichFrame, integer id, framehandle listBoxItem returns nothing
native GetFrameListItemByFrame takes framehandle whichFrame, framehandle frameToFind returns framehandle
native SetFrameListItemByFrame takes framehandle whichFrame, framehandle frameToFind, framehandle listBoxItem returns nothing
native RemoveFrameListItem takes framehandle whichFrame, framehandle listBoxItem returns nothing // this uses CListBoxItem
native RemoveFrameListItemById takes framehandle whichFrame, integer id returns nothing
native RemoveFrameListItemByFrame takes framehandle whichFrame, framehandle listBoxItem returns nothing
// CListBoxItem API
native GetFrameItemOwner takes framehandle listBoxItem returns framehandle
native SetFrameItemOwner takes framehandle listBoxItem, framehandle whichFrame returns nothing
// Highlight API
native GetFrameHighlight takes framehandle whichFrame, integer highlightId returns framehandle // Gets highlights of CControl
native GetFrameHighlightTexture takes framehandle whichFrame, integer highlightId returns string // If highlighframe type is sent, it will modify itself instead, if ccontrol or its children, then it will check possible highlights.
native SetFrameHighlightTexture takes framehandle whichFrame, integer highlightId, string texturePath, blendmode blendMode returns nothing // 0 - FOCUS | 1 - ON HOVER
// Backdrop API | Border API | For border flags refer to BORDER_FLAG. For CBackdropFrame and its children and for CSimpleFrame, backdropId has to be always 0.
// For CFrames that contain backdrops, use ids to differentiate between them, this is similar to CSimpleButton states, etc.
native GetFrameBackdrop takes framehandle whichFrame, integer backdropId returns framehandle // will return itself if frame is CBackdropFrame or CSimpleFrame.
native IsFrameBorderEnabled takes framehandle whichFrame, integer backdropId returns boolean
native SetFrameBorderEnabled takes framehandle whichFrame, integer backdropId, boolean isEnable returns nothing
native GetFrameBorderFlags takes framehandle whichFrame, integer backdropId returns integer
native SetFrameBorderFlags takes framehandle whichFrame, integer backdropId, integer borderFlag returns nothing
native GetFrameBorderSize takes framehandle whichFrame, integer backdropId returns real
native SetFrameBorderSize takes framehandle whichFrame, integer backdropId, real value returns nothing
native GetFrameBackgroundSize takes framehandle whichFrame, integer backdropId returns real
native SetFrameBackgroundSize takes framehandle whichFrame, integer backdropId, real value returns nothing
native GetFrameBackgroundInsetById takes framehandle whichFrame, integer backdropId, integer insetId returns real
native SetFrameBackgroundInsetById takes framehandle whichFrame, integer backdropId, integer insetId, real value returns nothing
native SetFrameBackgroundInsets takes framehandle whichFrame, integer backdropId, real minX, real minY, real maxX, real maxY returns nothing
// Grid API
native GetFrameGridRows takes framehandle grid returns integer
native GetFrameGridColumns takes framehandle grid returns integer
native SetFrameGridSize takes framehandle grid, integer row, integer column returns nothing
native GetFrameGridFrame takes framehandle grid, integer row, integer column returns framehandle
native GetFrameGridFrameById takes framehandle grid, integer id returns framehandle
native SetFrameGridFrame takes framehandle grid, integer row, integer column, framehandle whichFrame returns nothing
native IsBuffBarRenderDuplicates takes nothing returns boolean
native SetBuffBarRenderDuplicates takes boolean allow returns nothing // this will allow the rendering (drawing) of duplicate (similar) buffs. By default is off.
// Trigger Frame API
native GetTriggerFrame takes nothing returns framehandle
native GetTriggerFrameEvent takes nothing returns frameeventtype
native GetTriggerFrameVariableType takes nothing returns variabletype
native GetTriggerFrameInteger takes nothing returns integer
native GetTriggerFrameReal takes nothing returns real // aka GetTriggerFrameValue
native GetTriggerFrameBoolean takes nothing returns boolean
native GetTriggerFrameString takes nothing returns string // aka GetTriggerFrameText
native GetTriggerFrameMouseButton takes nothing returns mousebuttontype
native GetTriggerFrameTargetFrame takes nothing returns framehandle
native TriggerRegisterFrameEvent takes trigger whichTrigger, framehandle whichFrame, frameeventtype frameEvent returns event
native RegisterFrameMouseButton takes framehandle whichFrame, mousebuttontype whichButton, boolean isAdd returns nothing // Add/Remove for event handling on Left/Middle/Right Mouse buttons, works for any CSimpleButton / CControl and whichever frame extends them.
// Frame Sprite API
// Copies the logic of Effect API / Trackable API | works only on CSpriteFrame | CStatusBar | CCursorFrame | CTimeOfDayIndicator
// For Cursor animations refer to: https://github.com/UnryzeC/UjAPI/blob/main/TypeData/WC3CursorAnimations.txt
native GetFrameSprite takes framehandle whichFrame returns sprite
native GetFrameSpriteScale takes framehandle whichFrame returns real
native SetFrameSpriteScale takes framehandle whichFrame, real scale returns nothing
native GetFrameSpriteTimeScale takes framehandle whichFrame returns real
native SetFrameSpriteTimeScale takes framehandle whichFrame, real timescale returns nothing
native GetFrameSpritePlayerColour takes framehandle whichFrame returns playercolor
native SetFrameSpritePlayerColour takes framehandle whichFrame, playercolor color returns nothing
native GetFrameSpriteAlpha takes framehandle whichFrame returns integer
native SetFrameSpriteAlpha takes framehandle whichFrame, integer alpha returns boolean
native GetFrameSpriteColour takes framehandle whichFrame returns integer
native SetFrameSpriteColour takes framehandle whichFrame, integer colour returns boolean
native SetFrameSpriteVertexColour takes framehandle whichFrame, integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha returns boolean
native SetFrameSpriteOrientationEx takes framehandle whichFrame, real yaw, real pitch, real roll, integer eulerOrder returns boolean
native GetFrameSpriteYaw takes framehandle whichFrame returns real
native SetFrameSpriteYaw takes framehandle whichFrame, real yaw returns boolean
native GetFrameSpriteFacing takes framehandle whichFrame returns real
native SetFrameSpriteFacing takes framehandle whichFrame, real facing returns boolean
native GetFrameSpritePitch takes framehandle whichFrame returns real
native SetFrameSpritePitch takes framehandle whichFrame, real pitch returns boolean
native GetFrameSpriteRoll takes framehandle whichFrame returns real
native SetFrameSpriteRoll takes framehandle whichFrame, real roll returns boolean
native SetFrameSpriteOrientation takes framehandle whichFrame, real yaw, real pitch, real roll returns nothing
native SetFrameSpriteMaterialTexture takes framehandle whichFrame, string textureName, integer materialId, integer textureIndex returns nothing
native SetFrameSpriteMatrixScale takes framehandle whichFrame, real sizeX, real sizeY, real sizeZ returns nothing
native ResetFrameSpriteMatrix takes framehandle whichFrame returns nothing
native SetFrameSpriteTexture takes framehandle whichFrame, string textureName, integer textureIndex returns nothing
native SetFrameSpriteReplaceableTexture takes framehandle whichFrame, string textureName, integer textureIndex returns nothing
native GetFrameSpriteModel takes framehandle whichFrame returns string
native SetFrameSpriteModel takes framehandle whichFrame, string modelName returns nothing
native SetFrameSpriteModelEx takes framehandle whichFrame, string modelName, integer playerColour returns nothing
native GetFrameSpriteCurrentAnimationId takes framehandle whichFrame returns integer
native GetFrameSpriteCurrentAnimationName takes framehandle whichFrame returns string
native SetFrameSpriteAnimationWithRarityByIndex takes framehandle whichFrame, integer animIndex, raritycontrol rarity returns nothing
native SetFrameSpriteAnimationByIndex takes framehandle whichFrame, integer animIndex returns nothing
native QueueFrameSpriteAnimationByIndex takes framehandle whichFrame, integer animIndex returns nothing
native SetFrameSpriteAnimationWithRarity takes framehandle whichFrame, string animationName, raritycontrol rarity returns nothing
native SetFrameSpriteAnimation takes framehandle whichFrame, string animationName returns nothing
native QueueFrameSpriteAnimation takes framehandle whichFrame, string animationName returns nothing
native GetFrameSpriteAnimationOffsetPercent takes framehandle whichFrame returns real
native SetFrameSpriteAnimationOffsetPercent takes framehandle whichFrame, real percent returns nothing
Last modified: 23 March 2025